Critically evaluate and describe how the Doctor of Nursing Practice professional can remain informed and knowledgeable about the specific health care initiatives affecting the communities where you live and work


Sources of information for Doctor of Nursing Practice Professional
A doctor of nursing practice professional possesses experience in knowledge and skills
required to add value to patient care. They also have administrative and problem-solving
expertise which enables them to manage and coordinate the nursing practice (Blais etal., 2015).
To achieve the intended goals and objectives of health care provision, the doctor of nursing
practice professional has to remain informed and knowledgeable concerning all initiatives
established in providing healthcare.

The agency for healthcare research and quality provides required information concerning
nursing practice. This agency is entitled to supporting and conducting research which aims at
improving the safety, effectiveness, efficiency, quality, and cost of healthcare to all American
residents. Nursing practice professional can access information concerning a specific community
from this agency (LeRoy etal., 2014). Up to date information through research is very crucial to
the healthcare.

The national health information center is an agency that offers information concerning
the patients. Nursing professionals are connected with the residents of a certain community.
Professionals are at in contact with patients every moment (LeRoy etal., 2014). This connection
helps them remain informed about the initiatives that affect American communities.

The interaction between nurses, patients, and family members helps in the provision of
information concerning initiatives established by the government in their community. Home-
based and community-based nursing care assists nurses to interact in personal level with residents (Blais etal., 2015). Arguably, the information nurses acquire shares it with the doctor of
nursing practice professional.

When these professionals are provided with current information, they use it to establish
strategies and mechanisms aimed at providing better healthcare. Lack of knowledge and
information will lead to poor quality healthcare to patients. These agencies and field nurses
provide relevant information required by the doctor of nursing practice to remain informed
equipped with knowledge.

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