HR Strategic Engagement Initiatives

HR Strategic Engagement Initiatives

Human resource managers have the responsibility to establish, manage, control, and
develop strategic initiatives for engaging employees. Initiatives concerning employee discipline
in the organization, management of their performance, and procedures to deal with grievances
relating to labor unions and nonunion employees are addressed by the human resource
management. Different elements which constitute strategic initiatives in employee relations
include performance management systems, punitive and non-punitive approaches in disciplining
employees, and labor relations (Albrecht, etal., 2015). This paper provides a critical analysis of
strategic initiatives which affect the effectiveness of organizations.
Employee Discipline

Employees in the organization sometimes engage in an unwanted, unnecessary, and
unacceptable behavior. The punitive and non-punitive approaches have been used by managers
to discipline employees. The punitive approach is considered t be the traditional and oldest way
of disciplining employees. Most employees do not support this approach. When employees fail
to adhere to set rules and regulations, and code of conduct, they are subject to disciplinary action
by the management. The managers devise a strategy that forces and restricts the employees to
obey these rules. Applying this approach, the managers use punishments such as transfers,
penalties, warnings, and demotions. Arguably, this approach emulates dictatorship as
subordinates do not participate in drafting rules governing them. Sometimes the employees have
no idea why they are being punished. However, this approach has proven to be ineffective in
improving the behavior of the employees (Albrecht, etal., 2015). This condition was evident

because the employee feels that the organization was wrong to force compliance with them.
Furthermore, the disciplinary situation has a chance of occurring repeatedly.
The non-punitive approach entails the management positively engaging and supporting
the employees as a form of discipline reinforcement. It involves molding the employee’s
behavior and developing them in a supportive and corrective way. This approach consists of
steps which make it effective. Firstly, the employee is given an oral reminder through the
supervisor discussing the issue with them on how to correct the issue. Supervisor threatens the
employees of the measures to be taken Secondly; if the issue persists, the supervisor provides a
written reminder to the employee. In this step, there are no threats given to the employee. The
employee is requested to confirm if they have understood what is needed for change. Lastly, the
supervisor asks the employee not to report to school the following day so that they can make a
sound decision on whether to change or not (Albrecht, etal., 2015). If they decide to change, they
are requested to provide a plan on how to improve their performance.
The non-punitive approach applies initiatives such as performance appreciation, adequate
incentives, and remuneration payment, and approved personnel actions or behavior
reinforcement. Arguably these initiatives will make employees feel motivated to adhere to set
code of conduct and rules. Moreover, they will enable them practice self-control and increase

Performance Management

Performance management entails managers’ ability to evaluate and manage the
performance of employees in the organization. On the other hand, performance management
system entails a strategy employed by managers to effectively manage employees’ performance.

Importantly, it consists of several elements which facilitate its success. Performance planning
entails the employees deciding on their targets they wish to meet over a year and with the budget.
The performance is appraised and reviewed after the end of the year. During appraisal and
review, the employee describes achievements for their target then the manager appraises them
according to measurable and quantifiable accomplishments (Van Dooren, etal., 2015).
Additionally, the manager provides performance feedback succeeded by counseling and
performance facilitation. The manager notifies on areas the employee needs to improve, need for
training and development, and informs them whether they are performing as expected or not.
Employees who indicate good performance are rewarded. Rewards act as a form of recognizing
employees good work and also as motivation. For instance, they may be in form of paid
vacation, promotion or trophy. Moreover, plans for performance improvement arise after the
employees have been trained and developed (Albrecht, etal., 2015). Besides, they have
knowledge of the areas they need to improve. They set new goals and how to achieve them.
A good performance management system will enhance the effectiveness of an
organization. For instance, if the employees set goals and work to achieve them, they are assured
of a reward. On the other hand, if the employees do not meet their set goals, training and
development are provided where they will identify the areas of improvement (Van Dooren, etal.,
2015). Arguably, if all employees meet their goals the organization will attain its objective.

Employee and Labor Relations

Labor relations and employees in human resource management entail different
intervention forms offered to conflict employees such as mediation, solving issues counseling,
training, and grievance handling. The grievance procedure is an internal way of resolving

employee’s issues. It may involve union members and representatives, and in case of
nonunionized employees, they represent themselves. However, distinct collective bargaining
agreement, grievance process may be different among employees.
Unionized employees represent their grievances together with a union representative to the
supervisor. If the problem is not solved, the employees are then represented by a union with high
rank and the same hierarchy applies to the organization. This process is followed until top
managers of the organization and the union participate. At these stages, the unionized employees’
presence is not required (Albrecht, etal., 2015). However, in the case of nonunionized
employees, they represent themselves at all levels of management from the supervisors to the top
manager until the grievance is solved.
Nonunionized employees face a lot of challenges in presenting their grievances. Thus,
these challenges call for recommendations to improve their complaint process. The organization
should ensure that the management establishes management that listens, conducts interviews
randomly to understand what employees want, and how to handle their matters on a personal
level. Additionally, the organization should employ an officer who will be representing the non-
unionized employee (Albrecht, etal., 2015). For instance, a company lawyer can be used for

In conclusion, managers in the organization should ensure that they provide a positive
disciplinary action, manage the performance of employees effectively, and ensure that they solve
the employees’ grievances in the right way. Arguably, this will ensure employees are motivated,
trained and developed, and are well represented (Van Dooren, etal., 2015). Thus, they will
perform effectively leading to the organization’s success.



Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., & Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee
engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An
integrated approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance,
2(1), 7-35.
Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G., & Halligan, J. (2015). Performance management in the public
sector. Routledge.

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