Critically discuss Factors Related to Identifying Employees with Managerial Ability and Training and Developing Those Skills, and what is needed to Successfully Manage an Organization Globally


Identifying employees who possess managerial capabilities has been a problem due to
various reasons. For instance, globalization, aging of the employees, and the fact that some
managers want to assist in engaging workers are factors leading to this challenge. To effectively
identify the employees with managerial skills, organizations should consider the following
Assigning employees to jobs that are more innovative can help identify managerial skills.
Employees who will demonstrate skills in accomplishing the task are considered. Arguably, if an
employee can be able to show innovative skills, it indicates that they can develop managerial
skills needed. Additionally, managers can select a group of employees they consider to have
managerial potential and give them puzzling assignments which need the application of their
skills and development of new ones (Noe & Peacock 2002). The individual who shows these
skills in completing the assignment is considered.
Managers can also choose some employees who demonstrate management and leadership
talent for attending coaching session and leadership lecturers or classes. This will help these
employees acquire knowledge and skills required in management. A test may be given to
ascertain if all of them possess managerial skills (Noe & Peacock 2002). Employees who pass
the test are automatically identified as future managers or leaders of the organization.
Global organizations require managers with experience, skills, and expertise to provide
effective and efficient leadership. A global manager should have the skills of building strong and
able international teams. These teams will assist them in managing different units globally.
Additionally, the manager must be able to develop a global marketing and management practices
(Noe & Peacock 2002). This is done through identification of needs and preferences of various
customers in different geographical areas. Moreover, managers who engage employees to
develop their communication skills.

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